2009 Cupcake Vineyards Red Velvet October 25, 2011February 5, 2016Nick 2 Comments One of the first wines First Pour Wine looked at was a 2009 Cupcake Vineyards Chardonnay. Since then, one of the wines [...]
2009 Dancing Bull Merlot October 7, 2011February 5, 2016Nick 0 Comments If bulls could dance, would they drink Merlot? This is a question that has bugged man since the beginning of time, or at [...]
2009 Hob Nob Chardonnay September 28, 2011February 5, 2016Nick 0 Comments Hob Nob is always one of those brand that draws in the eye. It’s a simplistic design, but conveys the wine and what [...]
2009 Pacific Rim Sweet Riesling September 22, 2011February 5, 2016Nick 0 Comments The Gewurztraminer from Pacific Rim in the Columbia Valley was pretty great. Their specialty, as their winemaker Nicolas pointed out, is Riesling though, not [...]
Splurge Saturday: 2009 Apothic Red Winemaker’s Blend September 17, 2011February 5, 2016Nick 0 Comments Welcome to Splurge Saturday, where we take a break from bottles under $10 to step out and up, in search of exciting new [...]
2009 Picket Fence Chardonnay September 5, 2011February 5, 2016Nick 0 Comments Disclaimer: This bottle was sent to us by the folks over at 585 Wine Partners, not purchased by the First Pour Wine. The [...]
2009 Rhiannon September 3, 2011December 7, 2015Nick 3 Comments How many wines are named after a Goddess of horses and magical birds in celtic mythology? As far as First Pour Wine is [...]
2009 Penfolds Koonunga Hill Cabernet Sauvignon September 1, 2011February 5, 2016Nick 0 Comments Earlier this week, it was brought to my attention that today is Cabernet Day. While Cabernet Sauvignon is the most common, there is [...]
2009 Lucky Star Pinot Noir August 31, 2011November 5, 2015Nick 0 Comments Recently, there’s been a lot of recommendations for Pinot Noir, which is probably the result of so many boring and bad Pinot Noirs [...]
2009 Pacific Rim Gewürztraminer August 30, 2011February 5, 2016Nick 2 Comments Do wine scores really matter? This was one of the core questions at the foundation of First Pour Wine, and while there haven’t [...]